Monday, August 20, 2012

Freeze Dance

So yet another Monday behind us.   Morning routine went smoothly as the kiddos were convinced we had to hurry for school because their friends were waiting for them.  Mommy as usual was making them late my insisting of things like breakfast and clothes, but we made it. 

On the way home I did the normal how was your day and got the same simple answer good. 
So what did you do - played.
Great.  So Mondays they have a Music and Movement class thing so I asked about that.  This sparked something in Caiden and here is what followed

M: How was dance class?
C: Ok but I didn't do something good.
M: Thats ok.  We can't do everything perfect, but what did you do and maybe we can work on it together.
C: It was freeze dance.  I just can't do it Mama.
M:  Well how come?
C: It's my powers, Mama,  they are just too strong.  When the music stops you are suppose to freeze but my powers just keep me dancing.  I just can't do it.   My powers like to dance. 

Ok so here is where I started giggling.   He continued on and on about how his super powers are just so strong that he can't freeze dance.  I told him we would practice and it would be ok. He didn't quite believe me but I told him we would try.  The best part is he gave my husband the same story so he really believes his powers keep him from freezing. 

All I can say is wow.  Imaginary friends I was ready for but no one mentioned Super Powers.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back Again

So last time I tried this blog I didnt have a direction.  I was trying too many differant things.  I decided our family (the two tiny ones specifically) are crazy enough that they are more than enough to blog about. 

So recently our entire lifestyle changed.  We were incredibly blessed to have my mom stay at home with the kiddos.  I was entirely spoiled as she competely kept our house running.  The kids would wake up and immediately ask where Grandma was - since Mommy was completely incapable of getting chocolate milk and poptarts.  Grandma also did all our laundry and helped us keep our house from falling into complete chaos.  Grandma is now needed to take care of yet another role model of mine, my 95 year old Granny Ruth - who until recently still lived on her own. 

So we found a wonderful day care in Virginia Beach that is also a Lutheran Preschool. Mimi is in the 2.5 year old class and Caiden has joined the 4 year olds.  They have a huge playground (this kids number 1 requirement) and a wonderful learning environment complete with chapel services with a guitar playing Pastor.  Caiden has also informed us that this is the perfect school as it has 3 Caidens in his class.  And as everyone knows you can't just have 2 of anything - 3 is the perfect number.

This new day care situation now means these adorable children actually have to get up, get dressed and drive to work with me each day.   My trip to work is now much more exciting than I ever could have managed. 

Every morning we now fight the bad guys who are always chasing our car.  My car has some kind of Bad Guy Homing device that helps bad guys find us where ever we are going.  Thankfully I always travel with at least 3 spidermans, a Batman, a Joker who has now turned into a good guy, and a few puppies, kitties, and an alligator (thrown in by Mimi).  Once this becomes old we usually sing songs and at some point start arguing over lyrics.  The two of them just can not decide on the proper way to end Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (a fight I can end) or the right words to some new song they learned in Spanish (this argument I can not end).  We finally end up grooving the rest of the way to school to Phineus and Ferb - something we somehow all agree on.

Then - right as we are almost to school - the kids start screaming at me that I have yet again missed their school.  The Caiden says - "Silly Mama - U-turn Again." And yes we U-turn again as this is the only way into their school. 
Then we park, race to the door, and the kids are so excited they almost forget me kiss goodbye. 

So this is our morning. Honestly, it has doubled in chaos, but that is what keeps life exciting!!  And the best part - I dont have to wait for a 30 minute ride home to see them again!


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Ok, so a friend of mine posted a blog about her Nook and her passion for ebooks being made available through the library.  I agree! And then I started reading other blogs and thought - I want to do that.  So like just about everything else in my life that I have decided I wanted to do - Here I am. 

So about me. I am the mom of 2 amazing children, ages 3 and 1.  My husband is also an engineer and a great dad.  And I am not just saying that.  He is always there when we need him, and though I complain about him now and then, he is my rock, especcially when I am my normal spastic self. 

So my blog - Mommy the Engineer.   I started to name it Engineer Mom, like my signature, but then decided, no - I want people to know being a mom is the most important thing to me, but being an engineer is important too, or at least it is a big part of who I am. 

So I do not know where this blog will take me.  I plan to talk about books (Ok I plan to read books my friends talk about on their sites then critique them myself), family, work, and all the other balls I juggle on a daily basis!